How to lose weight fast at home. 8 weight loss diets

how to lose weight at home

It is often necessary to quickly restore a digit to normal. There are many ways, all kinds of techniques and special programs. Given their relevance and the fashion for a slim body, there are a lot of various abuses and outright frauds here. Given that how to lose 5 kg in a week and remove the belly, is there an effective way that does not harm your health? Let's find out. Why do you need to lose weight? Looking at their projection in the mirror, many are unhappy. So I want to correct the blurry figure. Now delicious hearty dinners will be replaced by exhausting diets and exhausting sports loads. And the result is not always pleasant. What if you need to lose weight on a tight schedule?

Is it possible? Or is it a myth spread by dishonest businessmen? No, you can get the desired effect. How to do this will be described below.

The lack of excess adipose tissue is, first of all, health. Many diseases are caused or aggravated by being overweight.

However, wherever you look, overweight people have some drawbacks:

  • Psychological distress, development of complexes.
  • Difficulty finding shoes and clothes.
  • Hyperhidrosis: excessive sweating.
  • Significant stress on the legs and spine.
  • The risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, increased likelihood of heart attack, stroke, hypertension.
  • Tendency to diabetes.
  • Fertility disorders in both men and women.

And this is not a complete list.

How to lose 5 kg in a week and remove the belly

To lose some weight in a few days, you need to stick to a few principles.

  1. The basis for losing weight is a fractional approach. Eat in small portions. There should be at least five main meals. In this case, it is best to avoid snacks, except for those based on fruit and berries.
  2. You can't starve. So the body literally stores every spare molecule.
  3. Harmful products: sweets, pastry and baked goods, fatty foods, fried and salty foods. It is not necessary to completely abandon them. But minimizing them in the diet is a must. At the same time, it is not possible to use these products before bedtime, it is better to pamper them in the morning.
  4. Forget the no after 18: 00 rule. The time of your last visit to the kitchen depends on the time you go to bed. The last meal should be completed 3 hours earlier. But after that you can, for example, drink kefir or juice.
  5. Diet is always important, but especially when losing weight. You need to drink lots of water and healthy unsweetened drinks. The daily norm is calculated based on the current body weight, there should be 20 ml per kilogram. So, with 120 kg of live weight, you need to drink about 2. 5 liters of fluid every day.
  6. Choosing a diet should take into account possible food allergies and personal taste preferences. Forcing yourself to eat something that even looks disgusting regularly is not an option. This creates a stressful environment, which is the first enemy of weight loss.
  7. To keep hunger from tormenting you, find engaging activities. Or use low calorie snacks.

How to lose weight fast at home

effective ways to lose weight at home

The right attitude and constant stimulation are very important for rapid weight loss. Incentives must be selected individually: an all-time delayed trip, a favorite dress, etc. Within a week, you can easily lose 3-5 or even more kilograms.

But this should only be used as a one-time express method. If you become very emaciated, this can only affect your general condition and often causes an exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Basic rules for rapid weight loss

  1. Choose the smallest plates available in the house or replace them with saucers. This will have a psychological effect, because you will still eat a full plate, even if the portion will be 2-3 times smaller. The color of the dishes is also important. It shouldn't be stimulating or associated with food. Here, the shadow is selected individually. Psychologists recommend white and neutral soft tones: blue, greenish, pale pink.
  2. You cannot take food on the road, in front of a computer monitor or while viewing messages on your phone. The atmosphere should be calm and measured. Focus on the process, enjoy the taste. So the saturation will come faster. Also, you shouldn't eat while standing or lying down.
  3. Avoid alcoholic cocktails altogether. They stimulate the appetite.
  4. It is recommended that you schedule events and log any changes. It is useful to keep records. You can make a kind of diary, where it will not hurt to attach images of people with graceful shapes and your correct photo - the goal of your efforts.
  5. Increase physical activity. You can walk to work, distances allow, forget about elevators, introduce night exercise.
  6. It is imperative to adhere to the requirements for healthy eating.

Healthy Diet Requirements

  • The emphasis is on fruit and vegetable components, preferably fresh, but boiling, stewing, steaming, light frying with a minimum amount of vegetable oil are also allowed.
  • Eliminate completely light carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery).
  • Use a combination of all nutrients, including fats and carbohydrates, but in small quantities, the basis of the diet is proteins, minerals, fiber.
  • It is imperative to add healthy cereals to the menu: buckwheat, oatmeal, bulgur, pearl barley, they are eaten without adding butter, milk, sugar and a lot of salt.
  • Don't overeat and don't drink a lot.
  • It should be remembered that saturation should be driven by energy costs.

Useful products

The list of foods you can eat for weight loss is below:

dietary rules for losing weight at home
  • Diet meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal).
  • Lean fish.
  • Boiled or steamed eggs.
  • Low-fat dairy products - yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sour cream.
  • Vegetables, berries, fruits, including in the form of fresh juices.
  • Bran bread.
  • Whole grains.
  • Nuts (raisins, figs, dried apricots, apricots, prunes, dried apples) and any nuts - dosed.
  • Seeds: sesame, flax, pumpkin, sunflower.
  • Any vegetable oil.
  • Beverages: tea, medicinal tea, weak coffee, fruit drinks, unsweetened compotes, jelly, fresh juices, mineral waters.

Sports activities

To lose weight, you can go jogging or join the pool. In addition, fitness classes, dance, figure skating, game sports will be an excellent option for increasing physical activity. But this is not at all necessary.

It will be enough to adhere to individually selected exercises to correct problem areas. They can be used daily for 15-20 minutes or 3-4 times a week for up to an hour.

To remove the belly, you need to engage the abdominal muscles. Supine exercises (upper body lifting, "bicycle" and "birch" exercises, leg lifting and spreading) will be effective.

The rotation of the hula hoop also has a positive effect. This is a very simple and effective way to quickly tighten your tummy.

Before starting a workout, warm up your muscles. You can do a light abdominal massage or turn a circle. When performing abdominal exercises, you need to pay attention to the number of repetitions.

The muscles must receive the required load. Therefore, the last times are performed with effort, through "I can not". The number of lifts, therefore, is selected individually and is constantly increasing.

Do not raise your body fully. You just need to get up 45 degrees off the floor.

Folk remedies for weight loss

Since drinking plenty of fluids is an important part of weight loss, traditional medicine recommends juices of all kinds. Different juices will be useful.

home remedies for weight loss

But it should be noted that freshly prepared beet juice should not be consumed. It should rest for several hours and drink it preferably mixed with carrot pomace.

As a rule, people mainly drink fruit and berry juices, forgetting about the benefits of other healthful drinks. For example, cucumber and celery juice tastes good and is packed with essential nutrients. Also, don't forget the benefits of natural birch sap. You just need to drink it fresh.

Various jellies are also useful. They can be prepared not only from fruit. Oatmeal jelly will help lose weight. It can be made from flakes with dried fruit and healthy seeds.

Diuretics decoctions should also not be ignored. They will help get rid of edema and excess salt. Plants such as milk thistle, sage, chicory, fallen seeds, birch, horsetail, nettle, St. John's wort, mother and stepmother have a diuretic effect.

Some laxative effects can be obtained with hay and anise. But alfalfa, dandelion, and turmeric are known as fat-burning agents. Plants such as dill, parsley, nettle in the form of decoctions somewhat reduce appetite.

Daily use of hellebore (100 g per glass of water) for a week will help get rid of intestinal parasites. And the marjoram broth improves the digestion process by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices.

Widely applicable as a means of losing weight, honey. You can make a honey drink by mixing honey with water (one large spoon per 100ml). They drink it 2-3 times a day to activate metabolic processes. Various additives can be added to the drink: cinnamon, grated ginger, lemon juice.

Slimming treatment

  1. Massage is useful for increasing blood circulation and breaking down cellulite formations. In addition, this procedure will help to avoid the formation of skin folds with a strong weight loss. You can do the massage yourself, focusing on problem areas. The use of various massagers is allowed.
  2. Contrast showers also stimulate blood flow. A light self-massage can be performed with an elastic jet.
  3. The bands help get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. Here you can use various means: sea salt, coffee, algae, clay, essential extracts. They are applied under the film and kept on the body for one hour.
  4. Cleaning enemas in reasonable quantities is helpful. They allow you to get rid of parasites, fecal conglomerates, toxins. Three procedures are enough per week. A weak saline solution is needed - 2 tsp. per liter of water.

Effective and simple weight loss diets

diet for weight loss at home

If you don't know how to lose weight quickly at home and what to eat to lose weight, I suggest you familiarize yourself with diets.

1. Diet without salt

Aimed at normalizing metabolic processes. It completely excludes the use of salt. The effective version of the diet is quite strict: the menu is designed for a week, while it is not possible to change days or meals in places or replace products with analogues.

The volume of the food is quite large. During breaks, you can drink as much water as you want.

2. Mono-diet

Based on the use of a single product. There are also options when drinking various juices or eating smoothies.

It is not advisable to resort to this diet too often, only in extreme cases. This approach allows you to lose 5 kg per week, sometimes more.

3. Protein diet

It is particularly popular, as it allows you to fill up quickly and not feel excruciating hunger. Suitable for those who, in parallel with the diet, are actively involved in sports.

Meat or fish, low-fat dairy products, grains and some fruits and vegetables should be consumed every day.

4. Simple diet

Fruit and vegetable dishes will be the basis of the diet. All products made from flour, meat, potatoes and bananas are prohibited.

Fresh products are preferred, but boiled or baked vegetables are also possible.

5. Low calorie diet

To lose weight quickly, you need to cut your daily calories roughly in half. So, for men, 1500 kcal will become the norm, and for young women - 1200 kcal. Subject to daily physical activity, the calorie content can be increased by another 200 kcal / day.

6. Pumpkin diet

Pumpkin has a pleasant sweet taste and is very low in calories. Therefore, using this product as the basis of a weight loss diet is highly acceptable. Such a diet will help you lose up to 5 kg of weight in a week.

In this case, you can use both raw pumpkin and fruit juice and various dishes: cereals, soups, puddings, salads. In parallel, you can use a small amount of cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products.

7. Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is one of the healthiest. Contains many beneficial nutrients and B vitamins.

Actively detoxifies the body and helps get rid of digestive problems. Despite the sufficient calorie content of this product, in 7-10 days you can lose up to 7 kg.

8. Lazy diet

It will help those people who do not have the willpower for severe food restrictions to lose weight. You can eat anything here for breakfast, but in moderation. From now on this will be the main meal.

Make sure you eat your hot first course for lunch. It is recommended not to use high-fat broths and other high-calorie foods. And dinner should be as light as possible. Ideally, it should consist of raw plant foods or fat-free dairy products.